Sunday, October 5, 2008

So, I've been very busy this week.. I have made progress or what i think is progress on my work. I would like to post some of the photos that I plan I using in the future though, so that at the critique I can show what I will be doing soon. Most of the "work" that I have done has been to update what I had done before. I really didn't like what I got out of the last critique and I want to make m video flow better, so I been making changes so that I feel better about it. I've also been researching some more music options, but I've kinda been stuck there. I will bring in a song to class that I really like, but it is copyrighted... Maybe I can get permission for it because I think it might work well, but I'd like to see what the class thinks of it first.

Ok, so the pictures... and yes I've photoshoped them to make them pink...

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