Friday, October 31, 2008

This weekend I will be in Cincinnati... I am going to a programming competition with a team from AU. I went last year and I had a lot of fun. I know, programming isn't really fun, but my team last year placed the highest AU had ever done. So, I had a good time, just because we did well. This year it's me and two freshman, so I don't know how well we will do, but I'm hoping that we can still solve at least one problem (last year we solved two). Anyway, I'll be there this weekend and I won't be able to see my mom or work on homework...
I went home on Wednesday to pick some stuff up and did see my mom. She stayed home from work because she wasn't feeling well. I did get her some french fries at Wendy's and even though she said she ate dinner she took them at ate them right away. I was just glad to see that she still wanted to eat, even though she didn't feel well. I think that not eating was one of the reasons my aunt did so poorly in her last years. When you get sick after chemo ever week, then any food you eat then you don't want to eat again. I learned about why that is in psychology.. Something about conditioning. I just hope that my mom continues to eat and doesn't start to hate all kinds of food....

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