Monday, November 17, 2008

Alright, I'll talk about the videos... So, I've been working on putting in the more drawing aspects. It's been going well, or at least that's what I think. I've gotten everything up to where I think it should be and I added more frames to the pink video so that it is equal in length to the black one. They are both about 30 seconds long, which is shorter than I'd like, but I will add some closing photos to bring them to a close, and I hope that will bring them closer to 45 seconds or 1 minute. Obviously, you will get to see them today, and after that I will try to post them to YouTube, so that everyone can monitor my progress.

This weekend I spent the whole time with my mom. I really wanted to get some homework done, I even brought my computer home, but my mom had other plans. The second I got home she starting making a list of things she wanted me to do. We spent all Saturday running errands from the new Kroger's by my house (it's the only grocery store within 30 miles of my house, and it just opened a week ago..) then we went to the mall, then to GFS for Christmas goodies in bulk, and then back home to wrap presents. On Sunday she had me clean her fish tank (I'm big on fish, I work at a fish store and I have 4 tanks total in between school and home). On top of all that I have a really bad cold, so I had to make sure that I washed my hand a lot and drank lots of tea. Even though I didn't get to do what I planned, I really enjoyed the weekend. My mom and I are becoming closer and closer. When I left she thanked me for staying with her, which is my families way of saying "I love you." We don't get emotional at my house, my parents rarely even kiss outside of their bedroom... Anyway I think she just wanted some company and I was there to support her.

To answer the question about whether I've involved my mom in the video process, that is a no. I feel like it would hurt her to see how much this hurts me. I will show it to her sometime, probably when she's done with chemo... Right now I have to be the strong one in the family and I don't feel like I can show them my weaknesses. This weekend I had to stand by my mom's side and tell her that she should eat the sandwich she made. Then when she finished half of it, I congratulated her and ate the other half myself. I am the parent right now, and I will be for at least another 3 months (probably longer, since she will still need plastic surgery after the chemo is other). to show the video to my mom would be like a parent crying in front of their children and I can't do that......

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