Monday, March 23, 2009

Ok, so I haven't done much work at all... I did take some amazing pictures on vacation and I should have them tonight to show. Anyway, it seems that my health is going from day to day. Sometimes I feel great, and other times I feel like crap. Some nights I sleep like a baby, and others I don't sleep at all, just stare at the clock all night. I know that this is mostly from my medication, but it still upsets me. I'm so frustrated because my blood work didn't change, even after 2 weeks of steroids. I guess that I should be patient, but it's really hard to be patient waiting to find out how long you have to live. If I don't start responding to medication in the next month, then my chances of losing my kidneys go way up. Right now the doctors keep telling me that the medication should help and that I should regain functioning in my kidneys, but what they aren't saying is that if the medication doesn't work, then I'm going to go into kidney failure eventually. It could be in 5 or 10 years, or it could be in a few months. So now I'm playing the waiting game, which is frustrating.... This week, when I'm up to it, I will start mono printing and hopefully, if they turn out well, print some more pictures. I know that the printing has nothing to do with my flash project, but I need to do something different, I don't feel like everything that I do in one semester has to have the same theme.

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