So, my first blog post comes a little late, but it's taken me awhile to decide on my proposal. This semester I would like to create some kind of interactive environment. I think that this will be made in HTML and Flash. I don't know if I want it to be a web site, or just a program that plays on a computer. I really like the idea of making an under water environment. I would like to have interactive Flash pages and HTML pages. I think I will also have small Flash videos, but I'm not sure if I want them to just play, or if they should be part of the interaction (i.e. when you click on a fish or something, then a short video will play). During break I got some stationary and scrap booking paper that I would like to use as textures. I really like the way South Park and other animations look where everything looks cut out of paper and has texture.

Anyway, my final goal is to incorporate this environment into 3D. This semester I am studying 3D graphics in one of my CS classes. I would like to eventually make a 3D environment that you could interact in as well as the 2D Flash videos and interactions.
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